Web based hospital management System
The Ultimate solution for managing single or multiple :
Diagnostic Center
Nursing Home
Super Admin
Super Admin manage all the hospitals.
Create, Edit & delete hospitals.
Demo Username: superadmin@example.com
Password: 12345
Admin can manage full hospital.
Create, Edit & delete departments.
Create, Edit & delete doctor, patient, nurse, pharmacist, accountant, laboratorist.
Add, edit and delete bed & bed allotment.
Admin can manage financial activities.
Can generate date-to-date payment & expense category wise financial report.
Can create, edit & delete payment, expense & categories.
Can view the Financial Report.
Add, edit & delete medicine & medicine category.
Add, edit & delete donor.
Add, edit & delete report.
Admin can change Hospital Settings.
Can view and edit own profile.
Doctor can create, edit and delete patient.
Add, Edit & delete medicine.
Add, Edit & delete Donor.
Add, Edit & delete bed & bed allotments.
Add, Edit & delete bed categories.
Add, Edit & delete reports.
Can view own profile.
Can change password.
Patient can see own report.
Patient can see the blood bank.
Can manage own profile.
Pharmacist Can manage everything about medicine.
Create medicine.
Can edit or delete.
Can create medicine categories.
Can edit or delete them.
Can preview or edit own profile.
Accountant can manage the full financial activities.
Add payments.
Add expenses.
View Invoices.
Print Invoices.
Can generate date-to-date payment & expense category wise financial report.
Also can add, edit or delete patients.
Can manage own profile.
Laboratorist can manage the Patient, Donor and Report modules.
Create, edit and delete patients.
Create, edit and delete donors.
Create, edit and delete reports.
Can manage blood bank fully.
Nurse can manage the Patient, Bed & Donor module.
Create, edit and delete patients.
Create, edit and delete bed.
Create, edit and delete bed allotments.
Create, edit and delete bed categories.
Create, edit and delete donors.
Manage blood bank.
Create, edit & delete reports.
Financial Activities:
Through this application hospital’s financial activities can be managed.
Financial activities includes:
Patient wise Payments.
Invoice generation
Print Invoices.
Creating unlimited payment and expense categories.
Generating a very descriptive Date to Date financial report.
Hospital’s Daily, Monthly, Yearly and date to date income report.
Category wise Income and expense report.
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